School Uniform
The wearing of uniform is an essential part of being a pupil at Riverside Primary Academy. We want children to understand the importance of wearing appropriate clothing and taking pride in their appearance, whilst developing a sense of belonging to our Academy.
Our uniform supplier is Logos Unlimited.
1, Sands Industrial Estate, Swalwell, Gateshead, NE16 3DJ
They hold our logo items of uniform and have stock all year round. Non-logo items are also available in their store and online.
They offer a choice of ways to pick up your uniform;
- Purchase direct by visiting the store located in Swalwell;
- Online ordering @
- Click & collect;
- Telephone orders on 0191 4884300;
- Email orders to
Parents may want to consider their purchases of non-logo items such as skirts and trousers from their local supermarkets which are usually priced very competitively.
We do have a small selection of pre-loved school uniform items available which can be purchased using our online payment sytem PlusPay under the “Payments” and “Shop” menu. Here you will see all of the products we currently have in stock.
Simply select your desired item, choose the size you require from the dropdown list and add the items to your basket. You can then checkout using a debit or credit card.
All requests for pre-loved uniform made online will be discretely sent home with your child within 5 school days.
- Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan*
- Emerald green polo shirt*
- Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- Black, sensible, low-heeled shoes or plain black trainers (no branding)
- Plain black, grey or white socks or black/ grey tights
- Bottle green fleece* (optional in colder months)
- Green and white gingham dresses (optional for the warmer months.
PE uniform (Children are asked to bring their PE kit to change for PE lessons)
- Plain black shorts
- Plain, round neck t-shirt, either Red, Green, Blue or Yellow in allocated house colour.*
- Black trainers
- Black hoodie and long tracksuit bottoms for outdoor learning, forest school lessons and PE.
- No football kits or branding
* These items are available from our uniform supplier with school logo embroidery.
Please read our School Uniform Policy for further details: